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Fact or Fiction: What’s Real About Online Poker?

fact-or-fiction-what-s-real-about-online-pokerPoker is one of the most classic of classics, a beloved game spanning centuries all over the world. The advent of online and video poker options has only increased its popularity, drawing new participants from every age group.

However, despite its perennial success in the industry, misconceptions are surprisingly common.

Poker myths are some of the most prevalent in the industry, causing many amateur players to feel discouraged before they even sit at the table. As poker requires skill and strategy, it’s no wonder that it can be intimidating to those who are just starting out.

That’s where we come in.

We’ve created a list of our favorite “true or false” poker myths—and we’re here to make sure that you have all the correct information before starting your new hobby as a poker player.

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Myth: “Poker’s just a game of luck!”

Fact: Poker involves a great deal of strategy and skill.

One of the most common misconceptions about poker is that the game’s pure luck: you win or lose based on the cards you’re dealt. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth: poker requires a variety of skillsets, including patience, decision-making, logical reasoning, and the ability to perform mathematical calculations on the fly.

Regardless of if you’re playing at an established, traditional casino or one of the many new online casinos available, you’re going to need to develop your strategy well before picking up your hand.

You’ll need to learn how to manage your bankroll and calculate the odds. The cards in your hand are merely the tools you have to work with—it’s how you work with them that separates a player from a professional.

The best players are the ones who can take a mediocre hand and turn it into something great. Luck will only get you so far in poker—you can never depend on it.

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Myth: Online Poker is a Scam

Fact: Online Poker is as Safe as Playing in Traditional Casinos

online-poker-is-a-scamOnline poker is only a new medium in the world of casino gameplay—it can absolutely be as safe as playing in a traditional, brick and mortar casino.

It is, however, important to make sure that you’re always playing in a reputable online casino. Casinos that operate under government regulations with annual audits are the only sites on which you should ever play.

Poker sites with an excellent reputation and legal backing use random number generators to ensure that the cards distributed are always unpredictable. This is vital to fair poker gameplay.

In addition, gaming on a legal site is the only way that you can be sure you’ll receive your payout in a timely fashion—and keep your data protected while you play.

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Myth: Poker Tells are Impossible to Recognize if You’re Playing Online

Fact: You Can Use Your Opponent’s Behavior to Predict Their Play

While it’s true that when playing online poker, you can’t physically see your opponents, you can absolutely still call their bluff—it just requires more attention to detail.

You’ll want to focus on their range, timing, and betting patters relative to their position at the table. You’ll also find that your ability to compute and control the speed of the game are two of the factors that will impact your hourly win/loss rate. Once you have the hang of it, you’ll find it just as easy as playing in person.

In particular, the ability to calculate odds in poker is an invaluable skill to have. Knowing the odds that your opponent will hit a straight or flush will help you know how much to bet and decide whether you should fold, call, or raise.

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Myth: Men Play Better than Women

men-play-better-than-womenFact: Gender Doesn’t Affect Poker Play

Poker has historically been a male-dominated field—but there are more female players closing the gender gap.

As women from different walks of life start to play, the field is shifting. Players such as Nikita Luther, Vanessa Selbst, and Muskan Sethi are only a few of the players who have achieved stunning victories in tournaments.

This isn’t a surprise—casinos were largely considered a “man’s domain” until only the past few decades. As spaces become more inclusive, so too do the changing landscapes of tournaments and scores.

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Myth: Bluffing is The Same as Cheating

Fact: Bluffing is a Vital Part of Poker Strategy

bluffing-is-the-same-as-cheatingRegardless of what variation you play in the general poker suite of your favorite site, bluffing is an essential part of the game.

Bluffing in poker isn’t considered “lying,” or “cheating;” it’s basic strategy. We covered this briefly when discussing the fact that poker isn’t purely luck: it’s not about what’s in your hand, it’s about what you can make of it.

It’s an art form, though don’t be surprised if the first couple of times you try you don’t succeed. The ability to bluff at the right time against the right opponent is what truly separates an average or amateur player from a professional.

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Myth: Poker is Unchanging

Fact: Poker is Constantly Evolving with Culture and Technique

One of the most beautiful things about poker is that it’s a constantly changing game. Techniques that would have blown away the competition fifty years ago barely make a dent today.

Poker is ever evolving and those who play must be exceptionally adaptable. It’s always worth it to put in the research before starting to play. See how the game has changed over the years and how you can make these patterns work for you.

An excellent place to start is on casino forums. These members of the gambling community aren’t shy when it comes to giving advice and tracking changes to help new players! Reach out on your favorite casino site and use all the resources you can to start winning today.

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