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Bankroll Management for Advantage Blackjack Play

Posted on December 22, 2020 | 11:15 am

The secret it out: playing blackjack online with live dealers is a ton of fun!

All over the world, more players have been partaking in this delightful game – and with all that live play has to offer, it’s not hard to understand the reason why.

What else could explain the explosive growth of this gaming trend?

But all the popularity in the world can sometimes obscure a less obvious truth: advantage play is serious business. Not always footloose and fancy-free, it requires hard work and a disciplined approach to gaming…

… but on the other hand, winning is a lot more fun than losing!

There you have it, folks: serious players know that winning is serious business.

This means taking a sober look at all elements of online blackjack, from an  of strategy to seeking out the most player-friendly rules available.

Nowhere is this approach more important, though, than when it comes to bankroll management.

But what, exactly, does good bankroll management look like?

Read on to find out! Here are some can’t-miss strategies to take your play to the next level.

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1 – Determine your bankroll’s size BEFORE sitting down to play

First and foremost, since the game of blackjack can be so exhilarating, players should make their bankroll decisions before the cards are dealt.

Think of it as a key part of strategy.

Just as no serious player would ever sit down at a table without knowing the payout rules, neither can he or she cash in without knowing how much they can afford to risk:

Determine how much you have to play with within a given time period, and then stick to it. Remember: if you can’t afford to lose it, you can’t afford to wager it!

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2 – Play the right tables (and casinos) for your bankroll

we-recommend-bringing-to-the-table-250x-minimum-table-bet-image2Once players know what their bankroll looks like, it follows that they should play at tables suitable to their means.

Every blackjack table in the world has a minimum bet requirement, as well as a maximum bet limit: in choosing the right table, gamblers should let these be their guides.

We recommend bringing a bankroll of at least 250x the minimum table bet.

Why so large?

Bringing a bankroll of this size or greater allows gamblers to withstand the inevitable runs of bad luck that all seasoned players endure. Sometimes the dealer goes on a hot streak, sometimes a cold streak. Bringing too small a bankroll all but ensures that the dealer’s run of good luck will wipe a player out, unable to enjoy the massive strings of wins that can appear when the dealer busts again and again.

For the record, it’s not always necessary to bring that amount of chips to the table. But if you don’t have ready access to approximately 250x the minimum bet, you should strongly consider playing at a table with a lower minimum bet.

There is one other relevant gaming element here that is overlooked far too often: choosing the right casino in the first place!

Modern blackjack players are often so busy looking for the best table rules available that they can forget the importance of the house itself.

Many online casinos offer incredible bonuses to players. These can take the form of matching initial deposits, promotional games and offers… almost anything imaginable, really.

Not every bonus offers legitimate advantage to players, but to ignore what often amounts to free money is sheer folly.

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3 – Set a win goal AND a loss limit for each session

When a player has determined his or her total bankroll and chosen the right tables (and casinos) at which to play, it’s time for the next step:

Before each gaming session, set both a win goal and a loss limit.

Maybe that win goal is a fixed amount. Maybe it falls along a range, such as a 20–30% gain on the session’s bankroll allotment. Whatever limit you select, remember that, any gambler who plays long enough will eventually lose to the house’s superior mathematical advantage. The key is to quit while ahead!

What’s more, a loss limit and a gamer’s total bankroll aren’t the same thing!

Say, for example, a gambler likes to play as often as 15-20 times per month. If they lose their entire monthly bankroll during the first two gaming sessions, what are they going to do for the next four weeks?

Such a player would be wise to set a per-session loss limit of 5-7% of their monthly bankroll.

Someone who plays less often can of course afford to invest more of their total bankroll in an individual gaming session. Just like other elements of solid play, win goals and loss limits should be revised as players gain experience and perspective, and as their personal finances change.

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4 – Play slowly

play-slowly-image3Casinos are always looking for ways to boost their bottom line. One of their favorite strategies is to speed up play.

Whether it’s the roulette table, slots, or blackjack, they have figured out that more bets per hour translates into more profit for the house.

Our advice? If faster play helps the house, do the opposite!

Slow your play down. Even taking a deep breath before each wager will have many benefits.

Slower play means better game decisions, and generally speaking, more enjoyment as well. Speaking of which…

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5 – If it’s no fun, walk away

This last point may seem obvious, but to come back to where we began…

blackjack is supposed to be enjoyable!

Very, very few gamblers become professional players. Of course big wins are the goal, and are tremendously wonderful when they arrive. But unless you’re a pro, playing blackjack shouldn’t feel like a job..

If a given session isn’t providing pleasure, our advice is to stop. Either take a walk before continuing, or conclude the session and try again another time.

Life is too short not to enjoy something that’s supposed to be fun!

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